Random thoughts that move me to write, and a collection of books that are worth reading, and why I think they are!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Things I Learned in Cozumel

As I opened my book to read for the night the smell that escaped from it's pages transported me back to Cozumel. It smells like sunscreen and salty air and who knows what else. But it's the combination that smells distinctly like Mexico. I was surrounded by it as I sorted laundry out of my suitcase. I wish I could bottle it and keep it forever. I have learned that the sense of smell is one of the most powerful. And the most elusive and unexpected. Mexico clings to my clothes and hair and books. But it will be gone soon and it's not something I'll get to cherish forever. But there are other things I can, all of the things I learned there.

General Things I Learned:

Lizards actually do run on their back legs, and it's awesome. Also, iguanas hang out in trees, and occasionally tumble out of them. Also awesome.

Pepto bismol tablets turn your tongue black. Gross.

The color of the water in Cozumel really is as bright as it looks in those idyllic pictures you see.

Jelly fish stings hurt.

The forecast is never right.

God's the most amazing artist. I was constantly in awe of His creation.

Things I Learned About Myself:

I love snorkeling.

People in costumes still terrify me.

I can eat a surprising amount of food.

I actually can be in the sun for a whole week without burning!

However, I don't tan much.

I am capable of doing adventurous things without being crippled by fear (namely of snakes). In fact I can almost talk myself out of fear.

I enjoy getting soaked in mud.

I am capable of bargaining with Mexican vendors!

I love my home and relaxing on the couch each night with my husband. A week of vacation is actually enough.

I enjoy traveling with people. Other people teach me things and make me look at things in a different way.

What I Learned About Peter:
(or what was reinforced, I already knew most of these things)

He doesn't get worked up about anything.

He is friendly to everyone, always.

He is hilarious. In a dry way. And he is completely unaware of this.

Watching people discover how funny he is brings me endless joy.

He still gets excited over tonka trucks.

He is capable of reading a whole book in less than a year. In fact, he can finish one in a week!

He only got on a plane because he loves me, and he'd be happy to never have to do it again.

Even when he feels sick and horrible and is forced to be on a plane and stand in long endless lines he still manages to be good natured. You would hardly know that he is suffering.

He is extremely positive.

He makes me feel safe.

His laugh is the best sound in the world.

Things I Learned About Jenelle:

She is the klutz-iest person I know :) if there is something to trip over or run in to, she will.

She eats very slowly ;) but honestly if that's how she manages to eat so much and still stay so skinny, more power to her!

She notices everything. The littlest things bring her joy and nothing is boring. I love her point of view. I hope to be more like her in this.

She always has a little smile on her face when she takes pictures. Even when she has been doing it for a while.

She has this certain little laugh when she is laughing at her husband. It's adorable and I love it and I wonder if he has ever noticed the difference.

She makes friends everywhere she goes. People are drawn to her.

When discovering a frog has been stepped on, she entombs it in a leaf and lovingly relocates it to the jungle.

She talks to any and all animals

She craves adventure and in turn makes everything into an adventure. Everything is more fun when Jenelle is around.

Most situations cause her to dance.

She is so thoughtful.

Things I Learned About My Brother:

He is still the funniest person I know.

He still makes super weird faces

He gets one annoying thing in his head and repeats it for days on end until everyone is repeating it and will never forget it.

He says flobberworm as an expletive. Often.

I absolutely love his laugh. Especially when he laughs at himself.

He is still one of my best friends. I can't believe I ever forgot this.

He is so happy. And positive. And unaffected by negativity.

He is very much like his dad. Also, he is going to be an amazing dad. These things go hand in hand.

When discovering a tiny hermit crab on the beach, most people would stop, look, and keep walking. He takes it with him, names it Alfonzo, and bonds with it in the sand.

He is quite fearless. Barracuda follow him and he just keeps on keepin on.

He drives like a maniac :)Which actually is a requirement in Cozumel.

He can find humor in any situation.

He becomes Joe Cool when he drinks ;)

Overall I learned that I am blessed beyond what I ever could possibly deserve. I learned that I have the best people in the world for family (honestly I knew this, but spending a week with them was the best). I learned that God delights in watching us explore His creation, I just know He does.


  1. THIS IS INCREDIBLE - I laughed a lot, cried a little and admired you some MORE - - Love you - MDeb

  2. Aw Rach... what a lovely post :-) I had simply the BEST time traveling with you and Pete... you are one of the most loving, sweet, hilarious, thoughtful, faith-filled, adorable, joyful persons I know. :-) And definitely my favorite sister ;-) Getting to know Pete better was one of the gems of this trip too. I'm also most definitely having withdrawals from enjoying your company for a solid week and suddenly being deprived of it.

    I know what you mean about the smell of Mexico. At work on my lunch break, I opened House at Riverton and the smell escaped along with a tad of sunscreen scent. I literally shoved my nose in the middle of the book with eyes crushed closed to eke out and take the very last of it. Lol. My blanket still smells like Mexico :-) (And I sniff it as I type)

    I was also thinking on the my break about what was going on down there at 3:30pm.... how lunch would be going on in the beach buffet bar, Gerard would be collecting cups on the beach and chuckling at inadvertent flatulence, the black birds would be flying by hoping for a crumb, Santos would be pouring expert drinks by the pool, iguanas would be selecting their next perch, Miguel and Capitan would be returning with their intoxified but ridiculously happy snorkelers, the sun would be dipping past it's midday journey, and it would be time for a nap before dinner soon enough... mmm I missed it as soon as I stepped on the plane. I miss the warmth and the sunshine but most of all I miss spending time with you, Pete, and Andrew and making all sorts of memories and silly inside jokes; knowing all we had to do all day was have fun, keep a yummy drink in our hand, put sunscreen on, and eat yummy food. Mission accomplished. What a grand adventure, full of memories that I'm still writing down for fear they will fade and be forgotten. One thing is certain, even if the particulars someday turn fuzzy, the the experience as a whole will NEVER be forgotten. Love you.
